South Rock Dental offers wisdom teeth extraction for teens and adults. We follow the highest standards of infection control and safety to give you peace of mind.
Wisdom Tooth Removal
The third molars, or wisdom teeth, usually make their debut between the ages of 17 and 25. Unfortunately, it’s common for the wisdom teeth to become impacted (stuck under the bone), get infected, come in crooked or cause other complications.
If you’re currently experiencing problems or it’s likely issues will arise down the road, Dr. Sundeep Chohan, General Dentist, may recommend wisdom teeth extraction. Removing problematic third molars can help you maintain long-term oral health.
Come in for a Dental Exam
We’ll take x-rays and a wellness scan to visualize the positioning of your wisdom teeth and their roots. Then, Dr. Chohan will perform an exam. If an extraction is needed, she’ll go over what to expect and answer your questions. We do offer sedation for wisdom teeth removal, so she’ll also discuss those options with you.

We’ll Put You at Ease
Before we remove wisdom teeth, we make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed. Dr. Chohan will administer local anesthesia to numb the teeth, gums and jaw. Difficult extractions will be referred to a local, trusted specialist/oral surgeon.

Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted
The exact process will depend on your specific case. For the removal of impacted wisdom teeth, Dr. Chohan will make a small incision above the tooth. Sometimes, she may also have to break the tooth into smaller pieces or remove bony obstructions. Then, she’ll gently extract your wisdom tooth and close the site with dissolvable sutures.

Rest and Heal
Dr. Chohan will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions. Be sure to follow them closely to minimize discomfort and encourage optimal healing. If you received sedation for your wisdom teeth removal, you might feel sleepy after the procedure. Be sure to rest and take it easy for the first day or two while you heal.

Benefits Of
Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Treats or Prevents Complications
Wisdom tooth removal can address or prevent common complications, such as infection, pain and cysts.
Helps Maintain Tooth Alignment
Extracting wisdom teeth may help preserve the alignment of your other teeth and ward off damage and crowding.
Makes Brushing Easier
With the wisdom teeth gone, it will be easier to reach your back teeth when you brush and floss, reducing your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.